LEGOs, Libraries and ‘Lukewarm’

Today, for the second time in a week, I was ‘on’ more often than not, so Crankenstein suggested we open a LEGO kit and get crackin’.* The one we selected has too many tiny delicate parts for me to construct it solo, but together we assembled two of its six bags of parts — comprising the bonsai tree’s trunk and its pot — over the course of 60 to 75 minutes.

I’ve always wanted a bonsai tree and the shop around the corner has one in its window that Crankenstein suggested we get, but we’ll see if we can keep a LEGO tree alive first. We’re undecided on whether to go with the traditional bonsai or cherry blossom look; maybe we’ll get artistic and do a little of both.

This was a quiet Sunday about which I have little to report, unless you want a recap of our trip to Aldi. The men’s final in Rome was disappointing, with domestic abuser and all-around hothead Alexander Zverev predictably claiming the title over Chile’s Nicolás Jarry in two sets, leaving us with only this to discuss:

Once I’m caught up with my overdue ‘stacks’ posts here and have published a few new Cranky reviews, should I borrow this inspirational triple feature from the library? From the generic ‘Fire Dept’ hat on Decision’s cover (so delightfully reminiscent of Rob Lowe’s NFL headgear) to Lukewarm featuring not only certified lunatic John Schneider but Jenna von Oÿ, who played Blossom’s best friend Six, I’ll admit my interest is piqued.

Odds are I’ll end up watching Lukewarm, unable to resist an opportunity to joke that the production company couldn’t even afford to print the diaeresis in von Oÿ’s name. If, like me, you haven’t kept up with the actress, I’m fresh from her Wikipedia page and can fill you in: she divorced her husband four years ago and came out as gay last year, which she discusses a bit here with Mayim Bialik. Joey Lawrence wasn’t there to comment but presumably would’ve offered a trademark “Whoa!”**

* Offline, I don’t use PD lingo like ‘on’ or ‘off’ because I’m not yet comfortable with it. Unlike jargon specific to Crankenstein’s conditions and Felix’s schizoaffective disorder, or my own IBD and arthritis, it doesn’t feel familiar — it’s like talking about a light switch. Your medication is firing on all cylinders when you’re ‘on,’ and you’re as close to normal as possible. From there you can guess what ‘off’ means.

** One of the most embarrassing albums I ever owned was Joey Lawrence’s self-titled debut, which I was given on audiocassette at the age of 10. I’m OK with admitting this only because I’m not alone: a cousin, Brandon’s brother Keith, had the same album and liked it a lot more than I did. Stranger still, Keith’s straight. That means his fandom really was about the music and not the album’s cover.

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