Break Out the Confetti and Noisemakers

Holy mackerel, I mostly slept last night! Despite a completely irrational fear of jinxing tonight’s prospects by acknowledging it, I felt obligated to share this momentous development after all my endless complaining here about sleep over the past 12 months. If I can keep this streak going for, say, a week, we’ll have to come up with an odd way to celebrate. Unless any of you are (unhappy) insomniacs, in which case that would be rude.

In less exciting news, my physical and speech therapy appointments are booked for next month. They scheduled three of each to start with and hopefully that’ll be enough. Speech therapy for Parkinson’s is meant to help strengthen your voice and swallowing abilities, that much I know, but the rest will remain a mystery until I’ve attended the sessions myself. Reading about it or watching YouTube videos would probably make me want to cancel and then Crankenstein would have to throttle me, which would hardly improve the slight choking problem.

That’s all I have tonight, but I’ll try harder tomorrow. Oh, and there’s also a bit of cottage news: the front door finally has knobs. Whether you find that exciting or exasperating is between you and the higher power of your choice. At least I’m not (yet) crazy enough to consider such a minor development worthy of its own photograph.

5/10/24 update: A better effort was indeed made today, but I didn’t have enough time to finish what I was working on.

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